Petition: Fix the Rozelle Interchange

Join our campaign to fix the Rozelle Interchange

Our community deserves safe and accessible streets that allow us to get where we need to go. Unfortunately, after the opening of the Rozelle Interchange, we have been left with traffic chaos.

Residents on the Balmain peninsula and in Rozelle have effectively become locked in their suburbs, sometimes waiting an hour or more to access Victoria Road. At the same time, pedestrians including primary school children are having to weave among cars queued across intersections just to get to school on time. While on the other side, we have seen extensive queues with traffic at a complete standstill on the City West Link. This chaos is absolutely unacceptable, and the government must act to fix this mess. 

Our community has already suffered through four years of disruption with WestConnex, so it is unreasonable to expect our community to wait six months or more for traffic congestion relief.

I am continuing to meet with the Minister for Roads and Transport for NSW, calling on them to urgently fix this untenable situation. Please add your name to our petition calling on the government to urgently fix the Rozelle Interchange. 

Sign the Petition

To the Minister for Roads

 The Rozelle Interchange opening has resulted in traffic chaos. Please act now to address concerns with traffic safety and congestion including: 

  • Resolving local pinchpoints limiting access to Victoria Road from the Balmain peninsula and Rozelle
  • Improving traffic flow from Victoria Road onto the Anzac Bridge
  • Improving pedestrian safety at key Victoria Road crossings including Darling Street
  • Improving traffic flows along City West Link
  • Resolving impacts to local streets across Annandale, Lilyfield and Leichhardt

I recognise there are a long list of problems that have arisen since the interchange opened. If there is an issue that has not been addressed, please leave a comment or email my office. I am meeting regularly with the Minister for Roads and Transport for NSW and I will continue to take your feedback directly to them. Together, we can fix this mess and ensure our community is not left to suffer. 

2,950 signatures

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  • Rochelle Flood
    published this page 2023-12-01 16:10:32 +1100