Rozelle Parklands and Easton Park Masterplan: Have Your Say
Our community deserves access to quality parks and well-maintained green space. Right now, Inner West Council is consulting on the future of Rozelle Parklands and Easton Park, and you have an opportunity to have your say.
Inner West Council is considering taking over the care, control, and management of Rozelle Parklands from the NSW Government.
Community members have raised concerns about this proposal given the high costs for ongoing maintenance. Maintaining Rozelle Parklands would cost rate-payers a whopping $650,000 every year.
Sporting groups have also expressed disappointment in how existing fields have been maintained, with the poor maintenance of Leichhardt Oval being a recent example.
Rozelle Parklands was given to our community following years of disruption from WestConnex.
The parklands must be maintained to a high standard for our community, and it's not reasonable to expect rate-payers to foot the bill every year.
Please use our template to have your say and help shape the future of Rozelle Parklands and Easton Park. You can customise the email and share any specific feedback you have on this proposal.
We are calling on the Inner West Council to:
- Keep the care, control, and management of Rozelle Parklands with the NSW State Government to avoid a whopping $650,000 annual cost to residents and our community.
- Support the proposal for two new raised pedestrian crossings at Easton Park entry and at Ryan Street.
- Support the protection of existing trees in both Rozelle Parklands and Easton Park. Support the planting of a new Fig Tree Avenue in Easton Park and additional shade trees in Rozelle Parklands.
- Support the proposal for a community garden and a bushtucker garden in Easton Park.
You can also provide feedback on the proposed dog on and off-leash zones, playground upgrades, and more.