Greens MP Kobi Shetty calls for accountability in the wake of Tim Crakanthorp finding
Kobi Shetty MP - Media Release - 15, April 2024
15th April 2024
The NSW Labor Member for Newcastle, Tim Crakanthorp, has been found to have breached public trust by the ICAC. Despite this alarming finding, the Labor party has refused to call for his resignation, insisting that to do so would set a "low-bar" for future indiscretions.
Kobi Shetty MP says:
“This is an incredibly disappointing decision by NSW Labor. One of their former Ministers was found by the ICAC to have knowingly failed to declare a conflict of interest involving his wife's parents and their significant property interests. The ICAC found that this failure resulted in a breach of public trust.
"Our community expects to see Members of Parliament held to a high standard. Transparency, accountability, and integrity are at the core of a well-functioning democracy.
"It is not enough to simply send the Member to the backbench, where he will continue to be in a position of incredible privilege. While the ICAC found his behaviour was not corrupt, they made it clear that his behaviour was still unacceptable, and did not align with the expectations for elected Members.
“Unfortunately the decision will now be left to the community as to whether they believe Tim Crakanthorp MP is suitable for office in 2027."