Full house expected for Greens Town Hall Meeting on Inner West rezoning and planning reforms

Kobi Shetty MP  -  Media Release  -  27, February 2024

27 February 2024

Over 340 people have registered to attend a Leichhardt Town Hall meeting at 7pm tonight, to learn what the Labor Government’s proposed rezoning and planning law reforms will mean for the Inner West.

Organised by Kobi Shetty the Greens Member for Balmain, the event has had an overwhelming response – with many residents wanting to better understand what these sweeping changes could mean for the Inner West.

Kobi Shetty MP says:

“Planning experts have warned that these proposed changes could see wholesale rezoning of the Inner West – with up to 75% of the Local Government area to be impacted.

“Experts warn that these changes could undermine local affordable housing targets, further threaten our tree canopy targets, override local council planning controls and much more.

“While we urgently need to address issues around housing affordability, experts have made it clear that increased housing supply alone, is not enough to fix this crisis.

“Without significant reforms to tax incentives for property investment, experts warn that these reforms may further incentivise land banking and property speculation. Ultimately failing to deliver on more affordable homes for those who need them.

“Beyond these changes, we also need significant investment in public housing. The government must commit to building public housing on public land like Blackwattle Bay and Bays West, and should be considering urban renewal in locations like the former WestConnex dive sites along Paramatta Road.

“We must also ensure that planning and increased density is done in a sustainable way – with critical infrastructure in place to support a growing population. Schools, hospital beds, public transport services and road infrastructure cannot be an afterthought – it must be a core part of the planning process.”




NOTE: Members of the media are invited to attend tonight’s Town Hall event.

Tuesday 27th February 7pm – 8pm

Leichhardt Town Hall