Protect the Right to Protest

The right to protest is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of our democracy. Sign our petition to protect the right to protest. 

NSW has a proud history of protest movements that have shaped our society. From the first Mardi Gras parade to the renowned Green Bans protecting green space and heritage across Sydney - much of what we love about living here has been hard-won through protest movements.

Disappointingly, the former Liberal government, with unanimous support from the Labor party introduced draconian anti-protest laws that sought to erode protest rights in NSW and introduce jail time for activists like the Knitting Nannas. These laws were found to be partially unconstitutional by the NSW Supreme Court and are currently undergoing review. 

Thank you to everyone who has already made a formal submission to the review. While formal submissions are now closed, we must keep the pressure on the government to repeal these laws. Will you please sign our petition calling on the Labor Government to repeal these anti-protest laws and to protect the right to protest? 

Join me in calling on the NSW Premier to:

  • Protect the right to protest in NSW
  • Repeal the anti-protest laws introduced by the former Liberal Government. 

Sign our petition to protect the right to protest. 

350 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 1 reaction

  • Rochelle Flood
    published this page 2024-07-12 15:47:33 +1000