Stop Unfiltered Exhaust Stacks in Rozelle

Sign our petition below to filter the toxic WestConnex stacks

Everyone deserves clean and safe air to breathe.

But despite world's-best practice and mounting scientific evidence that transport pollution is extremely harmful to our health, the NSW Government still hasn't committed to filtering the WestConnex exhaust stacks in Rozelle. 

In May, I gave a notice of motion in NSW Parliament calling for these toxic stacks to be filtered.

Our community has sent a clear message that we do not want unfiltered carcinogenic pollutants to be pumped out right next to our schools, our parks and playgrounds, and our homes.

We are calling on the government to listen to our community's strong concerns and filter the four Rozelle exhaust stacks.

Thank you to the thousands of people in our community who have joined our campaign urging for these stacks to be filtered. 

Sign our petition to filter the toxic exhaust stacks in Rozelle:

1,087 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 1 reaction

  • Lucy Murray
    published this page 2023-05-23 16:51:08 +1000